This is for aProcurement Project Manager. The successful candidate will berequired to manage several Statements of Work including service andconstruction.
They will need to have strong contract managementexperience and be able to read contracts and engage with vendors.They will be consulting and advising a number ofparties.
MustHaves (please read the requirementsbelow) :
- Experiencesupporting the analysis and execution of vendor contractdeliverables including change management (RFCs Change Orders)including writing content and providingadvice
- Projectmanagement
- Vendormanagement
- PublicSectorexperience.
- Managethe administration of existingcontracts
- Managethe execution of Service Requests for new services fromvendors
- Managethe processing of project & contract changerequests
- Managethe overall change process including obtaining vendor quotationsand facilitating the requiredapprovals
- Supportproject managers in the execution of procurements and change orderswithvendors
- Lookafter Ministry s interests from Legal privacy and public imageperspectives in procurements andcontracts
- Preparebriefing notes conduct vendor meetings and liaison with otherprocurement and legal departments as per the need
- Asneeded independently manage and execute complete procurements lifecycle
FinancialSkills :
Demonstratedexperience in financial management of projects and tools involvingvarious financial areas : financial analysis on performance trendsanalysis forecasts and risks.
Expert level experience withfinancial management tools and MS Office especiallyExcel.
VendorProcurement and ContractManagement
Experiencesupporting the analysis and execution of vendor contractdeliverables including change management (RFCs Change OrdersService Requests) including writing content and providingadvice / interpretations on contractsections.
Experiencemanaging large projects with significant volatility and multiplestakeholders (vendors stakeholders and peer groups acrossministries) with competingpriorities.
Communicationand RelationshipManagement :
- Interactingdirectly with ministry clients business partners and project teammembers to develop and maintain strong ongoing relationships alwayslooking for opportunities to improve clientsatisfaction
- Managingdeliverables and dependencies that cross multiple inflightprojects
- Supportingthe PSRN Program by proactively identifying communicating andmanaging multifaceted clientfacing risks and issues to deliver asuperior customer service experience and to support efficient andeffective projectdelivery.
- Interactingdirectly with ministry clients business partners and project teammembers to develop and maintain strong ongoing relationships alwayslooking for opportunities to improve clientsatisfaction
- Developingand presenting ministryspecific dashboards reports and otherproject managementcollateral
- Proactivelyidentifying risks and issues pertaining to the assigned workpackage report them to the overall Project Champions and thePortfolio Team.
Identify and mitigate strategies and responses tothe issues andrisks.
- Managingvendors stakeholders and peer groups across ministries.
- Creatingor supporting development of project artifacts Briefing NotesChange Requests Contracts Request for Bid (RFBs) etc.
- Financialmanagement of project as necessary or ifneeded
- Workingwith the client representatives and in partnership with otherproject managers to develop integrated plans
- Managingdeliverables and dependencies that cross multiple inflightprojects
- Supportingthe PSRN Program by proactively identifying communicating andmanaging multifaceted clientfacing risks and issues to deliver asuperior customer service experience and to support efficient andeffective projectdelivery.
- Interactingdirectly with ministry clients business partners and project teammembers to develop and maintain strong ongoing relationships alwayslooking for opportunities to improve clientsatisfaction
- Developingand presenting ministryspecific dashboards reports and otherproject managementcollateral
- Proactivelyidentifying risks and issues pertaining to the assigned workpackage report them to the overall Project Champions and thePortfolio Team.
Identify and mitigate strategies and responses tothe issues andrisks.
- Managingvendors stakeholders and peer groups across ministries.
- Creatingor supporting development of project artifacts Briefing NotesChange Requests Contracts Request for Bid (RFBs) etc.
- Ensureproject implementation plans have no adverse impact to publicsafetyoperations.
- Financialmanagement of project as necessary or ifneeded
- Developingcomplex network transition and migration strategies with crossstream dependencies including vendoractivities
- Developingand implementing network transition plans
- Managinglargescale complex integrated project plans
- ProjectManagementexperience
- Allroles procured are required to be cleared through the ContractorSecurity Clearance Process of the OPS.
- SecurityClearance process levels roles etc. are subject to change withoutprior notice. Candidates may be required to undergo revised / newprocess (or levels) any time prior or during the term of thecontract.