seniorSoftware Developers with 8 years of experience for building amodern cloudbased system and it s integration with other internaland external applications
- Provideapplicationsupport
- Supportthe testing team during system and UATtesting
- Preparedeployment packages of code and instructions for builds inDevelopment UAT and Productionenvironments
- Participatein Knowledgetransfer
Experienceand Skill SetRequirements
Experienceand SkillsetRequirements
Over8years of overall experience in entire Software Development LifeCycle as well as Microsoft .Net Framework Technologies.
Havingsound knowledge of developing web based B2B B2C applications in theclient / serverenvironment.
DesiredSkills andExperience
- Extensiveimplementation experience in installation configurationcustomization and extension of Microsoft Azure as well as doing thedeployment trouble shooting and production support for theapplicationsdeveloped.
- Experiencein developing webbased solution including sitemap writing clientsideJavaScript.
- Handsonexperiences in developing Web / Windows applications using C# .netCore SQL Server 2005 / 2008R2 and .Net Framework 4.
0 / 5.0 withstrong knowledge of ObjectOrientedconcepts.
- Expertisein Database Systems SQL and StoredProcedure.
- Goodknowledge of Web Development skills like HTML XML XSLT JavaScriptand Visual Studio2005 / 2008 / 2010.
- Workedon setting up relationships between System and Customentities
- Workedon Form customization usingJavaScript
- Experiencein converting client requirements and functional specifications totechnical design with effortestimation.
- Expertisein generating Entity relationship diagrams to describe the relationbetween differententities.
- Experiencein converting client requirements and functional specifications totechnical design with effort estimation and doing development forthesame.
- Excellentanalytical logical and interpersonal skills. Hard working and fastlearner with self motivatedpersonality.
- Goodknowledge of Microsoft IIS7.0 / 8.0
- Goodanalytical communication skills and ability to work independentlyand perform as part of ateam.
- TechnicalSkills :
- Languages& Scripting : C# CSS Java Script JQuery XML XSL HMXSLT.
- Frameworks : ASP.NET MVC AJAX WPF WCF Windows & WebServices.
- WebServer : Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.08.0.
- Databases : MS SQLServer.
- ReportingTools : Crystal reports ExcelSSRS
- DevelopmentTools : Visual studio () MSProject.
- OperatingSystems : Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / XP Windowsserver
- DataMigration and Reporting : SSIS LINQSSRS
ResumesEvaluation / Criteria :
Criteria1 : Technical Expertise
8years of overall experience in entire Software Development LifeCycle as well as Microsoft .Net Framework Technologies developingwebbased applications in the client / serverenvironment
Criteria2 : UI Development & Integration
- Experienceand knowledge of Web Development skills like HTML XMLXSLT
- JavaScriptand Visual Studio2005 / 2008 / 2010
Criteria3 : Database Skills
Expertisein database systems MS SQLand storedprocedures
Criteria4 : OPS Experience
8Years of OPSExperience
Musthaves :
- Over8years of overall experience in entire Software Development LifeCycle as well as Microsoft .Net FrameworkTechnologies.
- Havingsound knowledge of developing web based B2B B2C applications in theclient / serverenvironment.