Responsibilities :
- Providesa comprehensive range of I&IT business analysis servicesfor clients with diverse business and technologicalneeds.
- Interactswith the business stakeholders and subject matter experts in orderto understand their requirements through gathering documenting andanalyzing business needs andrequirements.
- Preparesand advises on business analysis policies processes best practicesand standards to promote a comprehensive and consistent businessanalysis practice within theorganization.
GeneralSkills :
- Leadsand conducts business analysis in order to assess client s businessproblems / opportunities and documents the business requirements insuch a way that I&IT solutions can bedetermined.
- Appliesreengineering concepts to promote business improvements throughalternative and cost effective service deliveryapproaches
- Leadsand conducts business analysis at varying levels of detailappropriate to the project and phases of project aligning with OPSUnified ProjectManagement
- MethodologyEnterprise Architecture and Gating Process and OPS Standard SystemsDevelopmentMethodologies
- Developsstrategies prepares business cases and costbenefit analysis andconducts feasibility studies for business I&ITinitiatives
- Developssound processes for requirements gathering including but notlimited to JAD sessions interviews mockupsetc.
- Conductsbusiness modeling; use case modeling; conceptual and logical datamodeling; process and data flow modeling; use case surveys;
business rules definition and nonfunctional requirementsdefinitions for assignedprojects
- Monitorsprogress resolves problems and reports regularly to I&ITmanagement andstakeholders
- Developsperformance measures and traceability matrices for businessanalysis evaluation and conductsfollowup
- Experiencedeveloping strategies preparing business cases and costbenefitanalysis
- Experienceconducting requirements gathering developing documentationincluding presentations and briefing notes and conductingstakeholderengagement
- Experiencein the use of Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools todocument conceptual requirements andscope
- Awarenessof emerging I&IT trends andtechnologies
- Excellentanalytical problemsolving and decisionmaking skills; verbal andwritten communication skills; interpersonal and negotiationskills
- Ateam player with a track record for meetingdeadlines
DesirableSkills :
- Experiencein the use of information retrievalpackages
- Knowledgeand understanding of Information Management principles conceptspolicies andpractices
- Abilityto translate business and data requirements into specificationssufficient for designing appropriate technologysolutions
- Experiencewith a wide range of methods tools and techniques for businessanalysis such as : business functional modelling business eventmodelling business processmapping
- Experiencein structured object oriented and agile methodologies for userrequirements
- Experiencedeveloping performance measures for business analysis evaluationand subsequentfollowup
- Knowledgeand understanding of Accessibility for Ontarians with DisabilityAct (AODA) and related regulations andstandards
Experienceand Skill SetRequirements :
MustHaves :
- Candidateshould have 10 years experience in business analysis andmodeling
- 10years experience in applying business modeling techniques / tools ina way that the developed artifacts can be reused and leveraged formultipleprojects
- Experiencein the followingareas :
- Developmentof business strategies
- Businessprocess reengineering
- Business casedevelopment and costbenefitanalysis
- Feasibilitystudies
- Joint ApplicationDevelopment (JAD)facilitation
- Processimprovement
- Systemenhancements
- Usertraining
Skill SetRequirements :
RequiredSkillset :
- Candidateshould have 10 years experience in business analysis andmodeling
- 10years experience in applying business modeling techniques / tools ina way that the developed artifacts can be reused and leveraged formultipleprojects
- Experiencein the followingareas :
- Developmentof businessstrategies
- Businessprocessreengineering
- Businesscase development and costbenefitanalysis
- Feasibilitystudies
- JointApplication Development (JAD)facilitation
- Processimprovement
- Systemenhancements
- Usertraining
- ScreenDesign (GUI Designer Balsamiq &Figma)
- Experiencein structured object oriented and agile methodologies forusersrequirements elicitation and the development ofspecifications
- Experiencein UML (Unified ModelingLanguage)
- Experiencein the use of Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools todocument conceptual requirements and scope (e.
g. Sparx SystemsEnterprise Architect CASEtool)
- Provenability to support the client in development of presentationmaterials briefing notes etc. related to theproject.
- Ensurethat the artifacts are aligned with the enterprise architecturestandards and principles (i.e. GOITS56)
- Goodunderstanding of OPS corporate policy development andcommunications business processes and generalpractices
- Goodunderstanding of the components of the Government of Ontario ssenior level reporting as it exists today and the types ofdecisionmaking tools used such as correspondence communicationsplanning issues / briefing notes FOI requests and financial and HRreporting.
- Experienceworking on a Document Management System or / and CustomerRelationship Management System (CRM) andor Talent Management (TM)or Human Resources Management System (HRMS) would be considered anadvantage.
Business RequirementsGathering / Documentation :
- 10years experience in a business analyst capacity with demonstratedwork outlinedclearly
- Experienceconducting requirements gathering and developingdocumentation
- Demonstratedexperience with developing business strategies business processreengineering
- Demonstratedexperience with business case development costbenefit analysis andfeasibility studies in a complex projectenvironment
- Experiencewith a wide range of methods tools and techniques for businessanalysis such as but not limited to : business functional modellingbusiness event modelling business processmapping
TechnicalExperience :
- DemonstratedExperience with GUI user interface design and mock ups. (e.g.Balsamiq)
- DemonstratedExperience with Joint Application development (JAD) UnifiedModelling language (UML) and Computer Aided Software Engineering(CASE)tools.
- Demonstratedexperience with Document Management system and / or CustomerRelationship Management System(CRM)
- Exposureto working with diverse business environments and enterprise widesystems.
System FunctionalRequirements :
- Abilityto work with business and development teams to document systemrequirements.
- Demonstratedexperience with creating Business Cases Screen Design / UserInterface Business Process Models Privacy Impact Assessment andThreat Risk Assessments and Logical architecture artifacts amongotherdeliverables.
- Demonstratedexperience with BusinessArchitecture.
CommunicationSkills :
- Demonstratedexperience in solving problems analytically and making sounddecisions basedon.
- Experiencein negotiating using both verbal and written communication skillsand should have worked in a team based environment with a provenrecord of meetingdeadlines.
Experience and Skill Set Requirements : Must Haves : Candidate shouldhave 10+ years experience in business analysis and modeling 10+years experience in applying business modeling techniques / tools ina way that the developed artifacts can be reused and leveraged formultiple projects Experience in the following areas : Development ofbusiness strategies Business process re-engineering Business casedevelopment and cost-benefit analysis Feasibility studies JointApplication Development (JAD) facilitation Process improvementSystem enhancements User training Skill Set Requirements : RequiredSkillset : Candidate should have 10+ years experience in businessanalysis and modeling 10+ years experience in applying businessmodeling techniques / tools in a way that the developed artifacts canbe reused and leveraged for multiple projects Experience in thefollowing areas : Development of business strategies Businessprocess re-engineering Business case development and cost-benefitanalysis Feasibility studies Joint Application Development (JAD)facilitation Process improvement System enhancements User trainingScreen Design (GUI Designer - Balsamiq & Figma) Experience instructured, object oriented and agile methodologies forusers-requirements elicitation and the development ofspecifications Experience in UML (Unified Modeling Language)Experience in the use of Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)tools to document conceptual requirements and scope (e.
g., SparxSystems Enterprise Architect CASE tool) Proven ability to supportthe client in development of presentation materials, briefingnotes, etc.
related to the project. Ensure that the artifacts arealigned with the enterprise architecture standards and principles(i.
e., GO-ITS 56) Good understanding of OPS corporate policydevelopment and communications business processes and generalpractices Good understanding of the components of the Government ofOntario s senior level reporting as it exists today, and the typesof decision-making tools used such as correspondence,communications planning, issues / briefing notes, FOI requests, andfinancial and HR reporting.
Experience working on a DocumentManagement System or / and Customer Relationship Management System(CRM), and or Talent Management (TM) or Human Resources ManagementSystem (HRMS) would be considered an advantage.
BusinessRequirements Gathering / Documentation : 10+ years experience in abusiness analyst capacity, with demonstrated work outlined clearlyExperience conducting requirements gathering and developingdocumentation Demonstrated experience with developing businessstrategies, business process re-engineering Demonstrated experiencewith business case development, cost-benefit analysis andfeasibility studies in a complex project environment Experiencewith a wide range of methods, tools and techniques for businessanalysis such as, but not limited to : business functionalmodelling, business event modelling, business process mappingTechnical Experience : Demonstrated Experience with GUI, userinterface design and mock ups.
e.g. Balsamiq) DemonstratedExperience with Joint Application development (JAD), UnifiedModelling language (UML), and Computer Aided Software Engineering(CASE) tools.
Demonstrated experience with Document Managementsystem and / or Customer Relationship Management System (CRM)Exposure to working with diverse business environments andenterprise wide systems.
System Functional Requirements : Ability towork with business and development teams to document systemrequirements. Demonstrated experience with creating Business Cases,Screen Design / User Interface, Business Process Models, PrivacyImpact Assessment and Threat Risk Assessments, and Logicalarchitecture artifacts, among other deliverables.
Demonstratedexperience with Business Architecture. Communication Skills : Demonstrated experience in solving problems analytically, andmaking sound decisions based on.
Experience in negotiating usingboth verbal and written communication skills and should have workedin a team based environment with a proven record of meetingdeadlines.