Hi there!My name is Katherine and we're looking for someone to care for our 1 year old son in the week day afternoons. I work from home, and because my husband's recovering from a stem cell transplant we need someone to play with and engage our happy little guy, and let my husband recover, and me work! Please note we have a large anxious Australian Shepard dog who is a sweetheart and warms up to people (eventually)Because my husband is immunocompromised, it’s really important whoever comes into our home is an avid hand washer and is okay only coming when they feel well (happy to make up time lost if you're unwell for a week) - hopefully this is you and we can’t wait to meet you!Please visit https : / / canadiannanny.ca / jobs / hourly-nanny-or-sitter-for-a-6-month-old-starting-in-may-tuesday-and-thursday-evenings-canadian-job-comox-bc to view full details and to apply. FREE REGISTRATION and lots of jobs to choose from!
Nanny • Comox, British Columbia, Canada