We are an active, friendly, and easy-going family. Chanel is an RN and works full-time, while Matt is currently a stay-at-home dad and university student. We are looking for someone to babysit our almost 2-year-old, Lexi, maybe 2 or 3 times / week so that Matt can have more time for his studies. The job may or may not transition to a full-time care position next year when Matt is (probably) back in the work force. Things are still up in the air. For now, Matt will be home when the babysitter is needed, but will be spending his time in the office. So, he'll be accessible for any emergencies, but will otherwise be secluding himself. Essentially, Lexi needs a playmate and her dad needs her distracted for a few hours in the afternoon, two or three times a week.
For Babysitter Nanny • Yellowknife, CA