DutiesPreparation and delivery of course material, preparation and delivery of assignments, tests and / or exams; supervision of teaching assistants (includes providing instruction on how to mark, as well as holding office hours); marking of students’ work (during the term and beyond if an extension of time is granted by the university officials); submission of grades to university officials; and holding regular office hours. Minimum Qualifications The successful applicant should be in a PhD program in Anthropology with a specialty in anthropology, with good knowledge in sociocultural anthropology, ass well as environmental and sustainability topics, and other relevant topics appropriate as described in the course description. Preferred Qualifications Evidence of successful teaching in relevant courses and previous TA experience in ANT204 are assets.Relevant CriterionPast teaching experience is the more relevant criterion than the need to acquire experience in respect of this posted position.
Environment, Culture and Film • Ontario, Canada