Looking for an empathetic sitter that is open to learn punishment-free childcare. We believe yelling and punishment are emotionally abusive. We all make mistakes, but work towards a calm environment. We use natural consequences to teach discipline. Must enjoy dogs, as we have one.Ellie is an intelligent person who needs time to feel safe with new people and in new environments. She loves helping with cooking and household tasks, and loves running little errands to the local Circle K. She's very creative and has a natural talent for art.Lucas is an empathetic, fun loving person who has a lot of energy for the things he loves to do (dancing, playing tag / chasing games, video games, building with Lego, drawing and colouring). Lucas has undiagnosed autism and is very intelligent but sees the world as very black and white, and lacks some of the the social skills to know when and when not to share the information he has learned (it can come across as judging, but he means it innocently).