Communications Co-ordinator, part-time, The Ontario Headwaters Institute, remote, anywhere in O[...]

Communications Co-ordinator, part-time, The Ontario Headwaters Institute, remote, anywhere in O[...]

Environmental CoMission, BC, Canada
6 days ago
Job type
  • Part-time
  • Remote
Job description

Mission — To be a leading voice for watershed security in Ontario – water for people and for nature

We are looking for a part-time communications co-ordinator for about 10 hours per month. Working with and reporting to the Executive Director, the Communications Co-ordinator is responsible to :

  • Proofread draft documents;
  • Create / edit e-mails and posts for social media;
  • Take videos and photos to post on social media;
  • Maintain the e-mail list on and send e-mails using Mailman;
  • Update OHI websites.

Skills required include : Word, Outlook, Mailman, Instagram, LinkedIn, Excel, WordPress, Video editing including voice-overs, Canva or similar.

An interest in and ability to help create a more robust framework for watershed security in Ontario by engaging individuals and organizations in the work of the OHI and increasing subscribers and donations would be welcome assets.
