Our client in the food and beverage industry is looking for the perfect administrative candidate to add to their team on a part time contract!
Are you willing to learn new things?
Are you passionate about your work?
Do you take pride in what you do?
Are you energetic and outgoing?
If so, keep reading as this might be the right role for you!
- part time contract for 8 months to start (3 days a week)
- hours are between 8-5
- location : Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada
- $23-26 / hr based on experience
Managing Blueplanner data entry and administration
Supporting with the logistics to customers and consumers
Sending out samples to customers and consumers
Document management e.g. pricing files, item maintenance, deal & promo data admin
Office administration such as ordering stationery
Supporting management with housekeeping, entering data, support sales and logistics (costco roadshows)
Send products to customers / influencers
Introducing the product to new customers
1-3 years of experience conducting administrative tasks
Experience working in the Consumer Goods Packaging (CPG) industry is mandatory
Proficient in Microsoft Excel with proven experience.
Excellent written and oral communication skills.
Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and multitask.
Detail-oriented, focused, and committed to time-sensitive orders / requests.
Ability to work efficiently as part of a team and independently, prioritize effectively, and maintain strong working relationships.
If you are interested in pursuing this Admin position in the Woodbridge area, please apply with both of the methods below :
1) Apply directly to the posting
2) Email your resume to [email protected] with the subject line "Administrator - Woodbridge"
Randstad Canada is committed to fostering a workforce reflective of all peoples of Canada. As a result, we are committed to developing and implementing strategies to increase the equity, diversity and inclusion within the workplace by examining our internal policies, practices, and systems throughout the entire lifecycle of our workforce, including its recruitment, retention and advancement for all employees.
In addition to our deep commitment to respecting human rights, we are dedicated to positive actions to affect change to ensure everyone has full participation in the workforce free from any barriers, systemic or otherwise, especially equity-seeking groups who are usually underrepresented in Canada's workforce, including those who identify as women or non-binary / gender non-conforming;
Indigenous or Aboriginal Peoples; persons with disabilities (visible or invisible) and; members of visible minorities, racialized groups and the LGBTQ2+ community.
Randstad Canada is committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive and accessible workplace for all its candidates and employees by supporting their accessibility and accommodation needs throughout the employment lifecycle.
We ask that all job applications please identify any accommodation requirements by sending an email to accessibility@randstad.
ca to ensure their ability to fully participate in the interview process.